'Super Star Trek' May 16,1978, adapted to `AMY' Dec 16, 1987 ' by Bill Elliott. Box 377, ' Port Dover Ontario, N0A 1N0 'Phone (519) 583-2525 GOSUB setscreen:GOTO titlestrip 'Colour combinations courtesy John Bos (BAUG): setscreen: rgb 0,9,9,9 'paper rgb 1,0,0,0 'pen rgb 2,13,0,0 'field rgb 3,15,15,0 'highlight SUB rgb(n%,r%,g%,b%) STATIC PALETTE n%,r%/16,g%/16,b%/16 END SUB PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT DIM g(8,8),c(9,2),k(3,3),n(3),z(8,8),d(8) titlestrip:RESTORE:GOSUB speech PRINT " ,------*------," PRINT " ,-------------- `--- --------'" PRINT " `-------- ---' / / " PRINT " ,---' `------- / /--, " PRINT " `-------------------' " PRINT " The USS Enterprise---NCC-1701" PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :PRINT :GOSUB sayone RANDOMIZE TIMER z$ = " " t = INT (RND*20+20)*100:t0 = t:t9 = 25+INT (RND*10):d0 = 0:e = 3000:e0 = e p=10:p0=p:s9=200:s=0:b9=0:k9=0:x$="":x0$=" is " 470 DEF FN d(i) = SQR((k(i,1)-s1)^2+(k(i.2)-s2)^2) 475 DEF FN r(i) = INT(RND*7.98+ 1.01) ' Initialize Enterprise's position 490 q1 = FNr(1): q2 = FNr(1): s1 = FNr(1): s2 = FNr(1) FOR i = 1 TO 9: c(i,1) = 0: c(i,2) = 0 :NEXT i c(3,1) = -1: c(2,1) = -1: c(4,1) = -1: c(4,2) = -1: c(5,2)= -1:c(6,2)= -1 600 c(1,2) = 1: c(2,2) = 1: c(6,1) = 1: c(7,1) =1: c(8,1) =1: c(8,2) =1: c(9,2) =1 670 FOR i = 1 TO 8: d(i) =0: NEXT i a1$ ="navsrslrsphatorshedamcomxxx" ' Set up what exists in the galaxy... ' k3 = # Klingons b3 = # Starbases s3 = Stars 820 FOR i = 1 TO 8: FOR j = 1 TO 8: k3 = 0: z(i,j) = 0:r1= RND IF r1 >0.98 THEN k3 = 3: k9 = k9+ 3: GOTO 980 IF r1 >0.95 THEN k3 = 2: k9 = k9 + 2: GOTO 980 IF r1 >0.8 THEN k3 = 1: k9 = k9+ 1 980 b3 = 0: IF RND>0.96 THEN b3 = 1: b9 =b9 +1 g(i,j) = k3*100+b3*10+FNr(1):NEXT j:NEXT i:IF k9>t9 THEN t9=k9+1 IF b9<>0 THEN 1200 IF g(q1,q2)<200 THEN g(q1,q2) = g(q1,q2) + 100: k9 = k9 + 1 b9 = 1: g(q1,q2)= g(q1,q2)+ 10: q1 =FNr(1):q2 = FNr(1) 1200 k7= k9:IF b9<> 1 THEN x$ = "s": x0$= " are" PRINT " Your orders are as follows:" PRINT " Destroy the";k9;"Klingon warships which have invaded the " PRINT " Galaxy before they can attack Federation Headquarters" PRINT " on Stardate";t0+t9;" This gives you";t9;"days. There";x0$ PRINT " ";b9;"Starbase";x$;" in the Galaxy for resupplying your ship." PRINT 1299 INPUT " Hit an `r' and then RETURN when ready to accept command.";r$ 1300 IF r$<>"r" THEN 1299 'Here any time new quadrant entered 1320 z4= q1: z5= q2: k3= 0: b3= 0: s3= 0: g5= 0: d4= 0.5* RND: z(q1,q2)= g(q1,q2) IF q1< 1 OR q1>8 OR q2< 1 OR q2> 8 THEN 1600 GOSUB 9030:PRINT :IF t0<> t THEN 1490 PRINT " Your mission begins with your Starship located" PRINT " in the Galactic Quadrant, `";g2$;"'.": GOTO 1500 1490 PRINT " Now entering ";g2$;" Quadrant. . ." 1500 PRINT : k3= INT(g(q1,q2)*0.01): b3= INT(g(q1,q2)*0.1)-10*k3 s3= g(q1,q2)- 100*k3 - 10*b3: IF k3 = 0 THEN 1590 PRINT " Combat area Condition Red": IF s>200 THEN 1590 PRINT " Shields dangerously low!!!" 1590 FOR i = 1 TO 3 : k(i,1)=0: k(i,2)= 0: NEXT i 1600 FOR i = 1 TO 3: k(i,3)=0:NEXT i:q$=z$+z$+z$+z$+z$+z$+z$+ LEFT$(z$,17) 'Position of Enterprise in Quadrant then place K3 Klingons in 'Quadrant & B3 Starbases and S3 stars elsewhere. 1680 a$= "<*>":z1=s1:z2=s2: GOSUB 8670: IF k3<1 THEN 1820 1720 FOR i = 1 TO k3: GOSUB 8590: a$ = "+K+": z1=r1: z2=r2 1780 GOSUB 8670: k(i,1)=r1: k(i,2)=r2: k(i,3)=s9*(0.5+ RND):NEXT i 1820 IF b3 < 1 THEN 1910 1880 GOSUB 8590: a$ = ">!<": z1= r1: b4= r1: z2= r2:b5= r2: GOSUB 8670 1910 FOR i = 1 TO s3: GOSUB 8590: a$= " * ": z1= r1: z2= r2: GOSUB 8670: NEXT i 1980 GOSUB 6430 1990 IF s + e>10 THEN IF e>10 OR d(7)= 0 THEN 2060 PRINT :PRINT " ** Fatal Error ** You've just stranded your ship in" PRINT " Space:?" You have insufficient maneuvering energy,"; PRINT " and Shield control":PRINT " Presently incapable of cross"; PRINT "-circuiting to Engine Room!!": GOTO 6220 2060 INPUT " Command";a$ FOR i = 1 TO 9: IF LEFT$ (a$,3)<> MID$(a1$,3*i-2,3) THEN 2160 ON i GOTO 2300,1980,4000,4260,4700,5530,5690,7290,6270 2160 NEXT i:PRINT " Enter one of the following:" PRINT " nav...to set course PRINT " srs...for short range sensor scan 3 PRINT " lrs...for long range sensor scan 4 | 2 PRINT " pha...to fire phasers 5--|--1 PRINT " tor...to fire photon torpedoes 6 | 8 PRINT " she...to raise or lower shields 7 PRINT " dam...for damage control reports PRINT " com...to call on library-computer PRINT " xxx...to resign your command":GOTO 1990 'Course Control begins here... 2300 INPUT " Course (0-9)";c1:IF c1=9 THEN c1=1 IF c1 >=1 AND c1<9 THEN 2350 WINDOW OUTPUT 1: PRINT " Lt. Sulu reports, `Incorrect course data Sir!!": GOTO 1990 2350 WINDOW OUTPUT 1:x$= "8": IF d(1)<0 THEN x$= "0.2" 2360 PRINT " Warp Factor (0-";x$;")";:INPUT w1:IF d(1)<0 AND w1>0.2 THEN 2470 IF w1 >0 AND w1 <=8 THEN 2490 IF w1 = 0 THEN 1990 PRINT " Chief Engineer Scott reports `The engines won't take"; PRINT "Warp ";w1;'": GOTO 1990 2470 PRINT " Warp engines are damaged. Maximum speed = Warp 0.2":GOTO 1990 2490 n= INT(w1*8+0.5): IF e-n>= 0 THEN 2590 PRINT " Engineering reports `Insufficient Energy available" PRINT " for maneuvering at Warp";w1;"!'" IF s = 1 THEN d6 = 1 FOR i= 1 TO 8: IF d(i)>=0 THEN 2880 d(i) = d(i) +d6: IF d(i)> -0.1 AND d(i) <0 THEN d(1) = -0.1:GOTO 2880 IF d(i) <0 THEN 2880 IF d1 <> 1 THEN d1 = 1: PRINT " Damage Control Report: "; PRINT TAB(8);:r1=i:GOSUB 8790:PRINT g2$;" Repair completed." 2880 NEXT i: IF RND>0.2 THEN 3070 r1 = FNr(1): IF RND>= 0.6 THEN 3000 d(r1) = d(r1)-(RND*5+1): PRINT " Damage Control Report: "; GOSUB 8790:PRINT g2$;" Damaged":PRINT :GOTO 3070 3000 d(r1)=d(r1)+RND*3+1:PRINT " Damage Control Report: "; GOSUB 8790: PRINT g2$;" State of repair improved":PRINT ' Begin moving Starship 3070 a$= " ": z1=INT(s1):z2=INT(s2):GOSUB 8670 3110 x1=c(c1,1)+(c(c1+1,1)-c(c1,1))*(c1-INT(c1)):x=s1:y=s2 3140 x2=c(c1,2)+(c(c1+1,2)-c(c1,2))*(c1-INT(c1)):q4=q1:q5=q2 3170 FOR i = 1 TO n:s1=s1+x1: s2=s2+x2:IF s1<1 OR s1>=9 OR s2<1 OR s2>=9 THEN 3500 3240 s8 = INT(s1)*24 + INT (s2)*3-26: IF MID$(q$,s8,2)= " " THEN 3360 3320 s1 = INT(s1-x1): s2 = INT(s2-x2):PRINT " Warp Engines shut down at "; PRINT " Sector";s1;",";s2;" due to bad Navigation.":GOTO 3370 3360 NEXT i: s1 = INT(s1):s2= INT (s2) 3370 a$= "<*>": z1=INT(s1): z2=INT(s2): GOSUB 8670:GOSUB 3910:t8=1 3430 IF w1 <1 THEN t8= 0.1*INT (10*w1) t=t+t8: IF t> t0+t9 THEN 6220 'See if docked then get command GOTO 1980 ' Exceded Quadrant Limits 3500 x = 8*q1+x+n*x1: y= 8*q2+y+n*x2: q1= INT(x/8):q2=INT(y/8): s1= INT(x-q1*8) s2 = INT(y-q2*8): IF s1=0 THEN q1=q1-1: s1=8 IF s2 = 0 THEN q2=q2-1: s2=8 x5=0:IF q1<1 THEN x5=1: q1=1: s1=1 IF q1>8 THEN x5=1:q1=8:s1=8 IF q2<1 THEN x5=1:q2=1:s2=1 IF q2>8 THEN x5=1:q2=8:s2=8 IF x5=0 THEN 3860 PRINT " Lt. Uhura reports message from Starfleet Command:" PRINT " `Permission to attempt crossing of Galactic Perimeter PRINT " is hereby * denied *. Shut down your engines.'" PRINT " Chief Engineer Scott reports `Warp Engines shut down'" PRINT " at Sector";s1;",";s2;"of Quadrant";q1;",";q2;".'" IF t>t0+t9 THEN 6220 3860 IF 8*q1+q2= 8*q4+q5 THEN 3370 t=t+1: GOSUB 3910:GOTO 1320 ' Maneuvre energy s/r ** 3910 e=e-n-10: IF e>= 0 THEN RETURN PRINT " Shield Control supplies energy to complete the maneuvre." s=s+e: e=0: IF s<=0 THEN s=0 RETURN ' Long Range Sensor Scan Code 4000 IF d(3) <0 THEN PRINT " Long Range Sensors are inoperable.": GOTO 1990 PRINT " Long Range Scan for Quadrant";q1;",";q2 o1$ ="-------------------":PRINT o1$ FOR i=q1-1 TO q1+1:n(1)=-1:n(2)=-2:n(3)=-3: FOR j= q2-1 TO q2+1 IF i>0 AND i<9 AND j>0 AND j<9 THEN n(j-q2+2)= g(i,j): z(i,j) = g(i,j) NEXT j: FOR l = 1 TO 3:PRINT ": ";:IF n(l)<0 THEN PRINT "*** ";:GOTO 4230 PRINT RIGHT$(STR$(n(l)+1000),3);" "; 4230 NEXT l: PRINT ":":PRINT o1$:NEXT i:GOTO 1990 ' Phaser Control Code begins here 4260 IF d(4) <0 THEN PRINT " Phasers Inoperative": GOTO 1990 IF k3 >0 THEN 4330 4270 PRINT " Science Officer Spock reports `Sensors show no enemy ships" PRINT " in this Quadrant'":GOTO 1990 4330 IF d(8)<0 THEN PRINT " Computer failure hampers accuracy." 4350 PRINT " Phasers locked on target; "; 4360 PRINT " Energy available =";e;"units" INPUT"Number of units to fire";x: IF x<=0 THEN 1990 IF e-x <0 THEN 4360 e = e-x: IF d(7)<0 THEN x=x*RND 4450 h1 =INT(x/k3): FOR i = 1 TO 3: IF k(i,3)<=0 THEN 4670 4480 h = INT((h1/RND(0))*(RND(1)+2)):IF h>0.15*k(i,3) THEN 4530 PRINT " Sensors show no damage to enemy at ";k(i,1);",";k(i,2): GOTO 4670 4530 k(i,3)=k(i,3)-h:PRINT h;" Unit hit on Klingon at Sector";k(i,1);",";k(i,2) IF k(1,3)<=0 THEN PRINT "*** Klingon Destroyed ***":GOTO 4580 PRINT " (Sensors show";k(i,3);"Units remaining)":GOTO 4670 4580 k3=k3-1: k9=k9-1: z1=k(i,1): z2=k(i,2): a$=" ": GOSUB 8670 k(i,3)=0: g(q1,q2)=g(q1,q2)-100: z(q1,q2)=g(q1,q2): IF k9<=0 THEN 6370 4670 NEXT i:GOSUB 6000: GOTO 1990 ' Photon Torpedo Code begins here... 4700 IF p<=0 THEN PRINT " All Photon Torpedoes expended": GOTO 1990 IF d(5)<0 THEN PRINT " Photon tubes are not operational": GOTO 1990 4760 INPUT " Photon torpedo course (1-9)";c1: IF c1 = 9 THEN c1=1 IF c1 >=1 AND c1 <=9 THEN 4850 PRINT " Ensign Chekov reports, `Incorrect course data Sir!'" GOTO 1990 4850 x1= c(c1,1)+(c(c1+1,1)-c(c1,1))*(c1-INT(c1)): e=e-2:p=p-1 4860 x2= c(c1,2)+(c(c1+1,2)-c(c1,2))*(c1-INT(c1)): x=s1: y=s2 PRINT " Torpedo track:" 4920 x=x+x1: y=y+x2: x3 = INT(x+0.5): y3= INT(y+0.5) IF x3<1 OR x3>8 OR y3<1 OR y3>8 THEN 5490 5000 PRINT " ";x3",";y3: a$=" ": z1=x: z2=y: GOSUB 8830 IF z3<>0 THEN 4920 a$= "+K+": z1= x: z2= y: GOSUB 8830: IF z3= 0 THEN 5210 PRINT " *** Klingon Destroyed ***":k3= k3-1: k9=k9-1: IF k9 <=0 THEN 6370 FOR i = 1 TO 3: IF x3= k(i,1) AND y3 = k(i,2) THEN 5190 NEXT i: i=3 5190 k(i,3)=0: GOTO 5430 5210 a$=" * ": z1=x: z2=y: GOSUB 8830: IF z3=0 THEN 5280 PRINT " Star at";x3;",";y3;"absorbed Torpedo energy." :GOSUB 6000: GOTO 1990 5280 a$= ">!<": z1=x: z2=y: GOSUB 8830:IF z3 = 0 THEN 4760 5330 PRINT " *** Starbase Destroyed ***": b3=b3-1: b9=b9-1 IF b9>0 OR k9>t-t0-t9 THEN 5400 GOSUB saysix:PRINT " That does it Captain!! You are hereby relieved of Command" PRINT "and sentenced to 99 Stardates at Hard Labour on Cygnus 12!!" GOTO 6270 5400 GOSUB sayseven: PRINT " Starfleet Command reviewing your record to consider" PRINT " Court Martial!": d0=0 5430 z1=x: z2=y: a$=" ": GOSUB 8670 g(q1,q2)= k3*100+b3*10+s3: z(q1,q2)=g(q1,q2): GOSUB 6000: GOTO 1990 5490 PRINT " Torpedo missed": GOSUB 6000: GOTO 1990 'Shield Control 5530 IF d(7)<0 THEN PRINT " Shield Control Inoperable": GOTO 1990 PRINT " Energy available =";e+s;: INPUT "Number of Units to Shields";x IF x <=0 OR s=x THEN PRINT " ": GOTO 1990 IF x <=e THEN 5630 PRINT " Shield Control Reports ` This is not the Federation Treasury.'" PRINT " ": GOTO 1990 5630 e=e+s-x: s=x: PRINT " Deflector Control Room Report:" PRINT " `Shields now at";INT(s);"units per your command.'": GOTO 1990 'Damage Control 5690 IF d(6) >=0 THEN 5910 5700 PRINT " Damage Control Report not available": IF d0=0 THEN 1990 5720 d3=0: FOR i = 1 TO 8: IF d(i) <0 THEN d3=d3+0.1 NEXT i: IF d3=0 THEN 1990 PRINT : d3=d3+d4: IF d3>=1 THEN d3=0.9 5810 PRINT " Technicians standing by to effect repairs to your ship;" PRINT " Estimated time to repair:";0.01*INT(100 *d3);"Stardates" INPUT " Will you authorize the repair order (y/n)";a$ IF a$ <> "y" THEN 1990 FOR i = 1 TO 8: IF d(i)<0 THEN d(i) = 0 NEXT i: t = t+d3+0.1 5910 PRINT :PRINT " Device State of Repair": FOR r1= 1 TO 8 GOSUB 8790: PRINT g2$;LEFT$(z$,25-LEN(g2$)); INT(d(r1)*100)*0.01 NEXT r1: PRINT : IF d0<>0 THEN 5720 GOTO 1990 ' Klingons Shooting 6000 IF k3<=0 THEN RETURN IF d0<>0 THEN PRINT " Starbase Shields protect the Enterprise": RETURN FOR i = 1 TO 3: IF k(i,3)<=0 THEN 6200 6060 h=INT((k(i,3)/RND(1))*(0.02+RND(1))): s=s-h: k(i,3)=k(i,3)/(3+RND(0)) PRINT h;"Unit hit on Enterprise from Sector";k(i,1);",";k(i,2) IF s<=0 THEN 6240 PRINT " ": IF h<20 THEN 6200 IF RND >0.6 OR h/s <=0.02 THEN 6200 r1 = FNr(1): d(r1)=d(r1)-h/s-0.5*RND: GOSUB 8790 PRINT " Damage control reports `";g2$;" damaged by the hit'" 6200 NEXT i: RETURN ' End of Game 6220 PRINT " It is Stardate";t: GOTO 6270 6240 PRINT :GOSUB sayfive: PRINT " The Enterprise has been destroyed. The Federation "; PRINT " will be conquered": GOTO 6220 6270 PRINT " There were:";k9;"Klingon Battle Cruisers left at" PRINT " the end of your mission." 6290 PRINT :PRINT GOSUB saytwo PRINT " The Federation is in need of another Starship Commander" PRINT " for a similar mission -- If there is a volunteer," INPUT" let him step forward and enter `aye'";a$: IF a$ = "aye" THEN GOTO titlestrip 6360 END 6370 GOSUB saythree:PRINT " Congratulations, Captain! The last Klingon Battle Cruiser" PRINT " menacing the Federation has been destroyed.":PRINT PRINT " Your efficiency rating is";1000*(k7/(t-t0))^2: GOTO 6290 'Short Range Sensor Scan & Startup Subroutine 6430 FOR i=s1-1 TO s1+1: FOR j=s2-1 TO s2+1 6450 IF INT(i+0.5)<1 OR INT(i+0.5)>8 OR INT(j+0.5)<1 OR INT(j+0.5)>8 THEN 6540 6490 a$= ">!<": z1=i: z2=j: GOSUB 8830: IF z3=1 THEN 6580 6540 NEXT j: NEXT i: d0=0: GOTO 6650 6580 d0=1:c$="docked": e=e0: p=p0 6620 PRINT " Shields dropped for docking purposes": s=0: GOTO 6720 6650 IF k3>0 THEN c$="*red*":GOTO 6720 c$= "green": IF fe=0 THEN 6770 PRINT :PRINT " *** Short Range Sensors Are Out ***":PRINT :RETURN 6770 o1$= "---------------------------------":PRINT o1$: FOR i = 1 TO 8 6820 FOR j=(i-1)*24+1 TO (i-1)*24+22 STEP 3:PRINT " "; MID$(q$,j,3);: NEXT j 6830 ON i GOTO 6850,6900,6960,7020,7070,7120,7180,7240 6850 PRINT " 3 Stardate ";INT(t*10)*0.1:GOTO 7260 6900 PRINT " 4 | 2 Condition ";c$:GOTO 7260 6960 PRINT " 5--|--1 Quadrant ";q1;",";q2:GOTO 7260 7020 PRINT " 6 | 8 Sector ";s1;",";s2: GOTO 7260 7070 PRINT " 7 Photon Torpedoes ";INT(p): GOTO 7260 7120 PRINT " DIR Total Energy ";INT(e+s): GOTO 7260 7180 PRINT " Shields ";INT(s): GOTO 7260 7240 PRINT " Klingons Remaining";INT(k9) 7260 NEXT i :PRINT o1$: RETURN 'Library Computer Code 7290 IF d(8)<0 THEN PRINT " Computer disabled": GOTO 1990 7330 PRINT " Functions available from Library-Computer:" PRINT " 1 = Cumulative Galactic Record" PRINT " 2 = Status Report" PRINT " 3 = Photon Torpedo Data PRINT " 4 = Starbase Navigation Data PRINT " 5 = Direction/Distance Calculator PRINT " 6 = Galaxy `Region Name' Map":PRINT 7340 h8=1:INPUT" Computer active and awaiting command";a :IF a<0 THEN 1990 :a=a+1 7350 ON a GOTO 7544,7900,8070,8500,8150,7400 'Setup to change Cumulative Galactic Record to Galaxy Map 7400 h8=0: g5=1: PRINT " The Galaxy": GOTO 7550 'Cumulative Galactic Record 7540: 7544 PRINT " Computer Record of Galaxy for Quadrant";q1;",";q2 PRINT 7550 PRINT " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o1$=" ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- PRINT o1$: FOR i = 1 TO 8:PRINT i;: IF h8=0 THEN 7740 FOR j=1 TO 8: PRINT " ";:IF z(i,j)=0 THEN PRINT "***";:GOTO 7720 PRINT RIGHT$(STR$(z(i,j)+1000),3); 7720 NEXT j: GOTO 7850 7740 z4=i: z5=1: GOSUB 9030: j0=INT(15-0.5*LEN(g2$)):PRINT TAB(j0);g2$; z5=5: GOSUB 9030: j0=INT(39-0.5* LEN(g2$)): PRINT TAB(j0);g2$; 7850 PRINT :PRINT o1$:NEXT i: GOTO 1990 'some pokes left out*** 'Status Report 7900 PRINT " Status Report:":x$="": IF k9>1 THEN x$= "s" PRINT "Klingon";x$;" Left: ";k9 PRINT "Mission must be completed in";0.1*INT((t0+t9-t)*10);"Stardates" x$="s": IF b9<2 THEN x$ ="": IF b9<1 THEN 8010 PRINT "The Federation is maintaining";b9;"Starbase";x$;" in the Galaxy" GOTO 5690 GOSUB sayfour 8010 PRINT " Your stupidity has left you on your own in" PRINT " the Galaxy -- You have no Starbases left!" :GOTO 5690 ' Torpedo, Base Navigation, Distance/Direction Calculator... 8050 FNd(i)=INT(FNd(i)*100000)/100000 8070 IF k3<=0 THEN 4270 x$="": IF k3>1 THEN x$="s" PRINT " From Enterprise to Klingon Battle Cruiser";x$ h8=0:FOR i=1 TO 3: IF k(i,3)<=0 THEN 8480 w1=k(i,1): x=k(i,2) 8120 c1=s1:a=s2: GOTO 8220 8150 PRINT " Direction/Distance Calculator:" PRINT " You are at Quadrant ";q1;",";q2;" Sector ";s1;",";s2 PRINT "Please enter":INPUT" Initial Coordinates (x,y)";c1,a INPUT" Final Coordinates (x,y)";w1,x 8220 x=x-a: a=c1-w1: IF x<0 THEN 8350 IF a<0 THEN 8410 IF x>0 THEN 8280 IF a=0 THEN c1=5: GOTO 8290 8280 c1=1 8290 IF ABS(a)<=ABS(x) THEN 8330 8310 PRINT " Direction =";c1+(((ABS(a)-ABS(x))+ABS(a))/ABS(a)):GOTO 8460 8330 PRINT " Direction =";c1+(ABS(a)/ABS(x)): GOTO 8460 8350 IF a>0 THEN c1=3: GOTO 8420 8360 IF x<>0 THEN c1=5: GOTO 8290 8410 c1=7 8420 IF ABS(a) >=ABS(x) THEN 8450 8450 PRINT " Direction =";c1+(((ABS(x)-ABS(a))+ABS(x))/ABS(x)): GOTO 8460 8460 PRINT " Distance =";SQR(x^2+a^2): IF h8=1 THEN 1990 8480 NEXT i: GOTO 1990 8500 IF b3<>0 THEN PRINT " From Enterprise to Starbase:":w1=b4:x=b5: GOTO 8120 PRINT " Mr. Spock reports: `Sensors show no Starbases in this "; PRINT "Quadrant.": GOTO 1990 'Find Empty Place in Quadrant for Things 8590 r1=FNr(1): r2=FNr(1): a$=" ": z1=r1: z2=r2: GOSUB 8830: IF z3=0 THEN 8590 8600 RETURN 'Insert in String Array for Quadrant 8670 s8=INT(z2-0.5)*3+INT(z1-0.5)*24+1 IF LEN(a$)<>3 THEN PRINT "ERROR": STOP IF s8=1 THEN q$=a$+RIGHT$(q$,189): RETURN IF s8=190 THEN q$=LEFT$(q$,189)+a$:RETURN 8700 q$ = LEFT$(q$,s8-1) + a$ + RIGHT$(q$,190-s8):RETURN 'Prints Device Name 8790 ON r1 GOTO 8792,8794,8796,8798,8800,8802,8804,8806 8792 g2$= "Warp Engines": RETURN 8794 g2$= "Short Range Sensors":RETURN 8796 g2$= "Long Range Sensors":RETURN 8798 g2$= "Phaser Control":RETURN 8800 g2$= "Photon Tubes": RETURN 8802 g2$= "Damage Control": RETURN 8804 g2$= "Shield Control": RETURN 8806 g2$= "Library-Computer":RETURN 'String Comparison in Quadrant Array 8830 z1=INT(z1+0.5): z2=INT(z2+0.5): s8=(z2-1)*3+(z1-1)*24+1: z3=0 IF MID$(q$,s8,3)<>a$ THEN RETURN z3=1:RETURN 'Quadrant name in g2$ from z4,z5 (=q1,q2) 'Call with g5=1 to get region name only 9030 IF z5<=4 THEN ON z4 GOTO 9040,9050,9060,9070,9080,9090,9100,9110 GOTO 9120 9040 g2$ ="Antares":GOTO 9210 9050 g2$ ="Rigel":GOTO 9210 9060 g2$ ="Procyon":GOTO 9210 9070 g2$ ="Vega": GOTO 9210 9080 g2$ ="Canopus": GOTO 9210 9090 g2$ ="Altair" : GOTO 9210 9100 g2$ ="Sagittarius": GOTO 9210 9110 g2$ ="Pollux": GOTO 9210 9120 ON z4 GOTO 9130,9140,9150,9160,9170,9180,9190,9200 9130 g2$="Sirius":GOTO 9210 9140 g2$="Deneb":GOTO 9210 9150 g2$="Capella":GOTO 9210 9160 g2$="Betelgeuse":GOTO 9210 9170 g2$="Aldebaran":GOTO 9210 9180 g2$="Regulus": GOTO 9210 9190 g2$="Arcturus": GOTO 9210 9200 g2$="Spica":GOTO 9210 9210 IF g5<>1 THEN ON z5 GOTO 9230,9240,9250,9260,9230,9240,9250,9260 9220 RETURN 9230 g2$=g2$+" I":RETURN 9240 g2$=g2$+" II":RETURN 9250 g2$=g2$+" III":RETURN 9260 g2$=g2$+" IV":RETURN speech: FOR Count = 0 TO 8 READ FemNat% (Count) NEXT Count FOR Count = 0 TO 8 READ MaleNat% (Count) NEXT Count DATA 185,0,155,1,24000,55,5,0,0 DATA 90,0,165,0,20000,64,5,0,0 FOR Count = 0 TO 9 READ t$(Count) NEXT Count DATA "Read your orders carefully." DATA "The Federation ihz in need of a new Star ship Commander. Ihz anyone interested?" DATA "If there ihz, let him step forward, and enter eye!" DATA "Your stewpidity has left you stranded in the Galaxy. You have no Star bases left!" DATA "Congratulations Kaptin! The last Klingon battle crooser menacing the federation" DATA "has been dehstroyed." DATA "The Enterprise has been destroyed. The Federation will be conkered." DATA "That duz it Kaptin! You are herebuy relieved of your Command" DATA "and sentenced to nyntee-nine star dates at hard labor on cygnus twelve." DATA "Starfleet command ihz reviewing your wreckord to consihder Court Marshall." RETURN sayone: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(0)) ,MaleNat% RETURN saytwo: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(1)), MaleNat% SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(2)), MaleNat% RETURN saythree: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(4)), MaleNat% SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(5)), MaleNat% RETURN sayfour: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(3)), FemNat% RETURN sayfive: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(6)), FemNat% RETURN saysix: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(7)), MaleNat% SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(8)), MaleNat% RETURN sayseven: SAY TRANSLATE$ (t$(9)), MaleNat% RETURN